Wednesday, March 5, 2008

managing blog consumption

Here is a question to everyone. How do you sort through and review the blogs that you regularly visit? My list of blogs is slowly growing and quickly becoming a cumbersome feat of management. I am currently experimenting with my tried and true RSS Bandit and Sage (thanks Rhonda), a component that works within Mozilla Firefox. These are both basically feed readers that keep track of sites that are published in atom/rss/...formats.


  1. I'm not that organized yet- I have a folder in firefox with all the blogs in them and open them all up in tabs. Then shut the ones that haven't been updated. I need to look into an RSS feeder....

  2. I really like your blog which I found through Blogcatalog.

    As for keeping up to date with my favourites - I tend to use Technorati to keep track of my favourites but that only works as long as I remember to check Technorati (and Technorati is playing nicely).



  3. I know what you mean. It can get a bit overwhelming - probably more so since I don't really have an organized way of going through my links. I add my favorites to my blogroll on my own blog (you're one of them!), and book mark the others on my browser.

    I think I may look into these other tools to make my life easier in this respect.

  4. I had the same problem. It's hard to keep track of all the blogs we read. But then Google Reader came into my life. (Since you're on blogger, I'm going to assume you already have a google account) It's really easy to set up and to use. You'd see your blog list and if there's new stuff to read, it's highlighted and tells you how many posts you haven't read yet. I highly recommend it, it's pretty awesome.


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